Be a Good Finisher
Alas, i had manged to finished the arduous race with much efforts, sore from my legs, tummy cramp yesterday. When i crossed the finishing line, i was over the moon. Thank God i had made it once again with a timing of 5hr 15 mins despite not training or preparing for it. Even though the result this year was not as fantastic as that of last year's(4 sub timing) i am still glad that i completed it and was a good finisher!
Now my legs are still abit sore. Credited to glucosamine tablets, it help relieved the pain and i should be able to kick some butts tomorrow! Along the race, i also made a few friends. (Hi wei zheng! i thank God that i get to know you as a friend now. Hope to see you real soon!) Even before the race, i was met with 3 good Samaritans who offered me a ride to the meeting place! (If by any chance Evonne and Samuel get to read my blog and really thank you for the kind accommodation your had given me!)

Completing a full marathon might sound really nice. But actually it is more of a 3/4 marathon with walk and hobbling for 10km. But eventually i still finished the race with a dash across at my maximum speed yesterday. Wow the feeling was indescribable!
After the event, i met up with Zhi Yan and Kim Heng to eat at Carl's Junior. I t was a filling treat and rather satisfying. We actually took like half an hour to reach there! So you can imagine how bad the legs were yesterday. Thanks God it is alright now. We also took a few picture:

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