The Most Hated Part of a Part of My life
I shan't talk about what i did the past few days as it will just upset me. if you want to know i can only smmarise in a few words- washing and more washing of guns...... it is like never ending.... the thought of going back camp tomorrow to do 'SPA' for my baby gun really make me feel like ORD ASAP! So i can say this is now really the most horrible part of my NS life!
Weekends are precious. A time i can spend with my friends and at the house of God. A time i can go home and spend time wiht my family members.
After being "MIA" from church for 3 weeks. So much have changed.
Almost suffocated. It takes me time but i am adapting well to the new cg consisting of many gals and 3 guys(myself included) and other few irregular brothers.
I miss my brothers and sisters back in the old cg....... Now everyone in the cg is so young... seems like back to square one (just like during Meiyi's time.)
Well like what Jie Yi said it is all about a renewing of mind and changing the way you think.
Yes i confess the cg will grow despite the circumstances now. More brothers will be added in and the cg will multiply!
Met up with my 'gang' today at airport T3 Mac. I was so elated to be seeing them after a long time but was at a lost of what to say so i was quiet for awhile.
Ben never fail to bring us laughters. So i pray that his apiration to be a Tekong Sgt when he go NS will come to past.I pray that Theodore will make it to OCS. I pray that Joshua will be posted to the unit he wanted to go. I pray for Jess and Bandung will shine for the Lord in their A'level. I pray Meiyi, Fabian and Shu Yun will do exceptionally well in the uni. I pray that Jacky will do well in his job. I pray that Ivan will get excellent results for his retaken module. I pray tha Ben wil always come out wiht more funny jokes to fill us with laughters. I pray Lahka will be planted firmly and flourish in the House Of God.I pray Evet will do well for her O level this year. So these are my pratyers for the other half of my CG. As for my new cg, i pray that God will bring us closer and everyone will share the same vision of growing the CG as Jie Yi (Jia you Jie Yi! )
Lookinfg forward to Asian Conference and what Pastor Kong will be preaching! It is a time of prayer and fasting to expect a new moves of God, a new rhema from heaven to bring my life into a whole new level. My spirit is boiling, is exasperating, is excited, is yearning for more of what God can do in my life.
Till then, will blog more!
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